Running. It’s not just about burning calories – although it is quite the powerful calorie burning exercise.
Running can cut your risk of heart disease by as much as 45%. It also strengthens joints, relieves stress, promotes eye health, boosts confidence, improves your follow through, can help you sleep better, strengthens bones, and may even reduce your risk of cancer.
Whether you’re already a running enthusiast or considering getting started, you may have considered a marathon as something to work towards. Here’s everything you should know as you embark on your journey.
Running a marathon takes months of hard work and consistent preparation.
Find a partner or a coach to train with, this will give you a boost of accountability and motivation when you need it, plus a personal trainer is your best bet to training safely and most efficiently.
Start small and work your way up, building endurance, as well as strength, flexibility, and mobility.
If you have any health concerns, consult with your physician first.
Proper eating and sleeping are a key part of any training regiment – and training to run a marathon is no exception! Experts recommend a 3:1 protein to carbohydrate ratio, and it is also recommended to eat within 30 minutes of training.
Don’t forget about recovery. Be sure to do some post-run stretching. Ice baths, epsom salt baths, sports massage, and foam rollers are also good recovery tools and techniques.
Have a plan that includes smaller goals and milestones to hit along the way. This will keep you on track while sparking some extra motivation as you reach each goal.
Mindset matters! The confidence, resilience, and mindset you cultivate during training will impact your outlook and performance when you run your marathon.
Make sure you have running shoes that are right for your feet. Pronation, arches, support, these features will make a difference especially as you put in the miles.
Understand that running a marathon, and training to prepare for it, are both extremely challenging. Also understand that you can do it! Believe in yourself, and enlist the support you need to help you prepare and succeed – safely and effectively.
Fun Facts about the Fitness Xperts:
The heart and soul of the Fitness Xperts gym, Coach Jake Foutz, is a seasoned marathon runner and tri-athlete himself! Many of our coaches, personal trainers, gym members, and personal training clients have competed in marathons, savage races, triathlons, and the like – and some for the first time, preparing for these and other events right here in our private Altamonte Springs fitness center!
Running bug bite ya but unsure of how to prepare for your first (or your next!) marathon or other competition? Contact us now to learn how we can help you reach your goals!